State Library of NSW
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makes us wiew our life in the coming Summer with the outmost concern. The long captivity at the same place & the endless monotony of the life it is impossible perhaps to alter, but we are only asking what is right when we demand that at least an attempt is made to minimise this danger to our health. Up till now we only hawe had promisses & hawe waited from year to year for something to eventuate. We therefore beg to aske as a minimum conditiones for relief of this intolerable state.
No. l Making asphalt roads ll. The space between barraks to be oiled or aplication of special preparation as for instance Garvia lll & considerate area around each Kitchen to be treated as par ll. lV The larg remaining spaces, playground ectra to be well watered at least 3 times per diem. V. 3 large Watercarts to be providet for the inclusive use within the compound We expect & trust that his excelency the Gov General of the Com. Of Australia will direct that our just demands are dealt with without further delay. Signed Camp Committee.
Sept 10 1917. G.C.C. Minister of Deffence Melbourne. Sir, We the undersigned Civilian Internees herewith earnestly request you to bring our internement at least into the line with the minimum requirements as given in the Hague Convention for the treatement of Civilian Pris: We do not aske for priveledges, but we do aske at least the same sanitary & hygienic consideration that is allowed every criminal in a state prison. The Criminal imprisoned in any of the jails hawe (so we are informed) each one cell, whereas we are herdet together with a floorspace of 9 feet by 2 for each of us to live, to sleep, to store our posessiones on and to take our Meals in. The Criminals in jail live in clean cells, whereas we are condemed to live in Vermin infested sheds, the bugs, fleece & mosquitos eat us alive during the hot season. The Criminals in jail are allowed frequent baths,
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