Item 12: Frank W. Bungardy narrative of life in Holsworthy Internment Camp, ca. 1915-March 1919 - Page 152

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all work inside the Compound will be done by Internees labor without pay. Each Internee in each Company will be taken in turns under the charge of the soldier of the Company. All foodstuffs & fuel for the Kitchens will not be carted into the Compound as previously but unloadet at Store & carried from their by Internees themselves. The Pans of the Waterclosets must be carried by the internees themselves outside of the Maingate at regular times, wher empty ones will be issued to them in its place. The Repatriation wich seems to be the main cause of the unrest will be notified, when the time arives. No union wage will be payd for any work. The authorities preffer to cease all work in hand.

This day also the Newspapers got stopped from being ussued to us & as the free open air cinomatograph showed every wednesday Saturday & Sunday evening the films for tonights programe wher withheld, although all those films wher hired by the camp & payd for out of the Camp Canteen fund. As upon several requests to the Comandant to grant us the Night soil cart to come into the Camp hawing being refused & the human offal of 5000 Internee gathered in 7 W.C. during the past 4 suxcessive days & in consequence the stensh thereof wher unbearable, the Internees toke matters in their own hands & discharged the Pans, per medium of the Cap drainage during the evening hours of 7 to 9 p.m. hawing the lock of the Sanitary house broken open, to get disinfectants. After the Pans had been emptied a good suply of water & disinfectants wher used by the Internees shlushing out the drainage pipe. Then the Closets itself recieved a thorough cleaning with Water & Fenol found in the Store, as our Camp wher indeet in need of same in clearing the foul air. During this procedur two Internees wher arested.

27/ During the morning the Military Police under orders searched the camp for picks, shovels or any other heavy tools, as during

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