State Library of NSW
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23/ during the forenoon the Boss of the whole Sanitary of the Camp, who had been in quarantine wher recalled by the Officials for interview. Thereupon Sergeant Grivel still wearing the compulsory mask in company of Sergeant judge entered camp & proceedet their way to the structure errected in the middle of the Camp wher all Sanitary tools & infectants other Keept, locked same & toke the keys with them also wieving the offal barrels & Closets inside our Camp. As the sanitary gang attending the W.C. had their passes necessary to do this work taken from them by the authorities & upon a special request the night previously by 2 Internees Steinbonther Louders to hawe same returned had been refused, but the Authorities demandet the Internees to bring the Pans to the Maingate & put same inside the Sanitary wagons in some instances close on 1300 yards, this hawing being refused by the Inernees the closets not hawing being cleaned looked in a filthy sate, as the W.C. arangements in our Camp wher in ordinary times inadequate as same had to be cleaned 3 times per day to make same sufficient. During this day only part of our bread rations got issued also the meat, but no other provissiones. In regards of the Bread ration issuer the officials insisted that the Internees had to carry the Bread wich in some instances amounted to be ΒΌ of a mille, becourse they withdraw the waggon with usualy had carried all the Bread into the Camp from the Military Bakery. As the majority of the internees requested to hawe at least the Bread ration carted to the maingate to be taken possession of their they refused to go outside the Camp to the Bakery in consequence had to go without bread. 29/ On account of the Officials hawing taken the keys away the Sanitary conditions of this Camp leaves much to be desired. The gutters the space between the barraks & the
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