State Library of NSW
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his reason. Owing as formerly the bush fence hawing burnt down, & Internees from the Main compound ([indecipherable]) has refused to errest same, the Authorities had ordered Australian soldiers off, to do this work. So as the soldiers would not be molested by the Inmates, while doing the work they wher taken out. So when the Inmates returned, the fence wher errested & their view of the general sarounding barred. As stated, this wher the first exercise granted outside, the Inmates on several occasion, to break the monotony & to get a view outside the bush fence, with wher 8 yards off the barbwire fence they tresspassed the Rules & Regulation governing the discipline of the Camp, wich in most instances wher, Insulting a Officer As a punishement they wither recieved Lookup but in most instances they wher sentenced to a term in Darlinghurst Jail. In allmost every instance the Internee sentenced, dit it with the full knowledge of being sentenced, as they put it themselves "To get a change & to break the monotony. 18/' One amongst our midst wher taken by the ambulance to hospital & case diagnosed as thy Typhus. Upon this Case the Sanatary Gang employed within the Camp wher ordered to pour fenol into the Gutter & waterways, wich in consequence wher more liberal issued. As sayd previously, that this Camp is a disgrace & Civilisation & humanity was the epedimic called Spanish Influenza had entered the State of N.S.W. The Governement of N.S.W. issued a proclamation, called this State an infected State & guaranteed itself of from the other states. The outside public wher ordered to buy mask & carry same, as a preventive meassure. Still, 19 Miles from Sydney 4 Miles from Liverpool lays the Germ. Conc. Camps the Black Hole of Australia, wher close on 8000 Persons are compelled to lie & sleep in an arrea not exceeding 200 acres. God help this Camp, if the desease breaks the barrier of our gates & breaks out amongst the Internees
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