State Library of NSW
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During the evening the Restaurants wher well patronised by the more wealthy Internees at 11.30pm the Camp Band gave selectiones untill 12.30pm, as the authoritys had granted the Camp permission to be able to keep the Stable lanterns in each Mess burning untill 1pm January 1 This is the 5 New year for some Internees to find themselves behind Wires with their liberty robbed becourse of "Birthright only, a place wich is worse, than the worst Criminal Institution in any part of Australia. Becourse the Internees are quaterly fed & quarterly clothed, while the criminal has its his change of clothing at least ones per week. In this condition the Internees wher compelled to work on account the Hunger, wich ruled this Camp, work wich got only payd at ΒΌ of the standard wages, ruling in Australia. Is it a wonder that youths & several under 30 years of age hawe turned grey haired. During the afternoon each needy Internnee recieved 10sh of the money send to this Camp by some wealthy German, residing in Germany but wich had Capital invested in several mines of Australia. The rest consisted of money out of the Camp Canteen funds. This day wher a great day in Camp, the Butchers & Bakers within our Camp made a roaring trade, becourse now they had a chance to any foodstuffs, with the presented money. At least, if nothing else every Internee had a full stomach on the second day of January. As several letters had been forwardet to the Minister of Deffence aplying for release, the Intelegence officer notified the Camp, that no letters applying for release would be forwardet in futher 2/ 4 Internees wher transferred to darlinghurst Jail, for trying to steal in the German Theater. State accounts of the escapes while
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