State Library of NSW
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Authorities. We wher asked questiones regarding. When we entered the Commonwealth, if we had been a passenger or one of the Crew of a Ship. Of we had been discharged or escaped from this ship. If we wher married or single. If married name & address of the Wife, also State the number of Children & ages (if any) Day of our birth & place & Country. If we had lost any property while in the detainement Camp, if any lost we had to giwe him a list of all lost property. 29 On this day, the following notice wher issued to this Camp. From this day 2 pennys halfpenny will be charged on all post & parcels, signed Mullins, sergeant in charge of Canteen of the G.C.C. This is contradictory to the Rules of the Hague Convention. However what do the Authoritys care about this scrap of Paper "Internee wher & still are robbed most openly, only to enrich someone. The Camp rumor has it, that this charge is made, to make up for the 2000 £ wich wher lost through the inhonest action of the Sergeant awaiting trial, formerly mentioned. On the 23/ each Internee recieved 5sh out of Canteen fund. The total cash in hand by the Authoritys in charge of the Internees recieved out of the surplus proffit out of the Camp Canteen amounted to October 1918 to 5200 £ etc the not proffit per month showed during October to be 500 £ the reader can guess, that exhorbitant prices wher charged us Internees for necessary comodities & tobacco. I wishe also to state hier, that with Internees in the hospital & all Invalids & Internees over 50 years of age recieved 2/6 per week out of this Canteen fund. Also the free open air Cinograph wich showed 3 times per week, giwing 2 new programs per week, also wher payd out of this fund, also the power & lighting necessary theirto. The average Sume for the program amounted per month to £ 30 wich wher payd to the Sydney firm, wich forwardet the films. An extra £ 15 per month wher charged by the Military Au[Continued on page 85].
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