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wher informed through friends that his Wife Australian born of Australian parents had been taken to the lunatic Asylum Brisbane. In the later instance, the military authority failed alltogether to notify this Internee of his Wifes sad plight. Shurly this experiences do not corespond with the much boomed British fair play & justice. The Internee Shalz recieved shortly after with this notification, notice to pack up as he would be released. On Parole to Brisbane Queensland his former home. This came as a surprise to him, as he had never recieved reply to any corespondence adressed to his Wife during the past six months. When this Internee arrived in Brisbane he found his 7 Children in care of a kindly neighbor, wich had recieved the usual 2/6 per week for each child from the Deffence Department. This notification the writer has personaly from the released Internee in a secret comunication, while still in Camp. On the 16th the first Searchlight wher used from the Newly constructed Observation tower about ½ mile away from this Camp. This tower wher of Troubuild with wooden foundation & 96 feet high, entirely build by Internees at the daily rate of 4sh per diem. 25. On this day the Camp wher notified of extra news, as issued in the Sydney daily, reporting that Austria had made peace. This wher the most wellcome news recieved in this Compound. In consequense of hearing this glad tiding a young Internee 26 years of age (Uchtmann) colapsed, & turned of a bluish Collor instantly. By the time the Military ambulance arrived & toke the unfortunate Internee to the Hospital, life wher extinct. This Internee had been interned for the period of over 3 years, as indeet it was a sad
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