State Library of NSW
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promoted to a warrant Officer. This blow again knoked him, into insensibility from the gate the Police carried him then to the Police Station & thence to the Lockup. When the police made enquiries they found 2 plugs of gelignite, some Caps & Powder in his Bunk, wich he had taken away, while at work in the Quarrys. It has been proven that the article he throw on his mate below, had been a detonator, also with a detonator he had tried to blow himself up with. This instance shows, how careless the Authoritys had looked after this most dangerous article. With this, as found in his Bunk this Idiot had sufficent charge, to blow up a whole Barrak & Kill 100 of his fellow Internees. This Idiot wher tried after by court marshiall & sentenced to 12 months jail. I am unable to state the charges layd against him by the Officials in charge of this Camp. To the writers opinion as this Man, as he wher not responsible for his actiones as his reasones had left him should hawe been send to a Lunatic Asylum instead of the Long Bay Jail wher he has to serve his sentence. During the same afternoon about 180 Married Internees, who had been employed Roadmaking about 4 miles distant & had been quatered in a separate Camp, close to the work returned to the Main Compound, becourse a Sergeant in charge of the Soldier guard, had reported to his superior Officer 180 Huns & 12 Guards "Sir" on 3 different ocassion during the day. The Internees resented in being called Huns
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