State Library of NSW
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recieves a just consideration of his claim & gets payd for the loss Australia will be sadly in need of another Warloan. At the end of this month another tunnel wher discovered in the Singh Singh compound. Several Inmates wher in consequence put into Irones & placed in the Lockup, previously to their deportation on the following day to the Darlinghurst Jail to await their trial by courtmarshial for trying to escape. During the last 2 months the Provost Marshall hier Bardsley has released several out of Singh Singh Compound to enter the Main Compound under promisse, that they would do secret spying "for the Military Police. He also had a few in his Confidence, wich wher inhabitants of the Main compound who spied & reported any harmless actiones noticed, even if some dit not act against the good discipline of the Camp, they wher against Camp Rules. Some wher payd in some instances per diem, some for their information acording to value. Several Internees, who had a priveledge granted them hawe been aproached by this Gent & offered the job of Spy. If they refused, the priveledge wher taken away from them. In one instance, a Internee has forwardet a sworn declaration of Complaint, of the actiones of the Provost Marshial to the Head Authoritys, without result. Needless to say those spies acted very cautiously & secretly, else if found out, their lifes would not hawe been worth a penny each, for the element of this Camp would hawe dealt with them, as a traitor to his country. On many ocassiones this Provost Marshial turned the law into
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