State Library of NSW
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armed with all sort of tools but without results. From the 17t the exercise paddoc, football ground & the Internees private garden opt closed by order of the Comandant, & so we Internees about 5000 wher compelled to remain within our smal & limited compound day & night. 22/ during afternoon & as the rain had ceased for an hour the football players of the Internees turned out for excercise in the middle of our Camp in front of the Open air Mowing Picture Screen. This exercise however turned out a failure, as the ball wher mostly amongst the barraks. To make our confinement harder the Rain sett it on the 19th & remained continualy with the exception of a very limited short space for over a week, in consequense our Camp wher again a sea of mud, so we wher forced again to remain in our 3 by 9 feet space within our sheds, to live, sleep, eat, recreate, & store our luggage in. The Reader can guess, however patience & health has been taxced to the outmost by those in charge of Internees in civiliced Australia. 24/ This morning 2 illicited stills wher discovered by the so called Whiskey Sergeant "One of the stills wher underground, below one of the barraks. On this day we also had our weekly issue of Margarine? "As it wher unfitt for human consumption, mostly all Internees returned same, as it most shurly, as the Physicianes interned in our mids, advised us to refrain from touching it as it most shurly would make us sick, if we eat it. This so called Margarine seemed to be a mixture of Mutton fatt & Coconut Oil. A Comon [indecipherable] candle had a better taste. The following letter has been despatched by the Camp Represantation to the Minister of Deffence Senator Pearch who is in charge of Internees in Australia. GCC Camp Liverpool July 28 Sir! With refference to the new scale of rations dated June 1918 wich inter alia providet for 4oz cheese per man per week we have to inform you that the supply of this article has been very irregular lately. Up to the time of writing
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