State Library of NSW
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wagon singing I.W.W. songs also songs made by themselves concerning the Military Officials governing this Camp. Their guards consisted of 4 Soldiers at the back inside the vehicles & 2 mounted Light horseguards, near the whole being fully armed. As it is now over 3 years since this Camp got started, the Cold Water shower bath is still uncovered, only fenced off with bush timber & some bags. The floor has lately been cemented, but however no grating for the Internees to stand up on, hawe been supplied. As the timber is expensive & Bush timber unsuited for this purpose, we internees wher helpless, & so compelled to stand on the bar floor when using the showers, wich is shurley deterimental to our health to a certain degree. March I Rees a Naturaliced Australian Subject, who had been a Resident of Australia for over 30 years, & owner of a Well known Brewery in Sydney got released on account of sick health. Since Internement this Gentleman, has been in the Camp hospital under medical treatement. His release however dit not consist of his liberty, but only to being enabled to return to his own home under guard, wher he wher detained, allways under a guard. This Gentleman is not permitted to goe anywher without permission & allways under Guard, neither receive Visitors without the special permission of the Minister of Deffence. This Gentleman must also pay, as I hawe it from a Person well to be trusted, the wages for this guard, also food & house came without repayment. This day each Internee recieved ½ of cheese wich had been bought & payd for out the Camp Bread saving fund. This of course needless to say, wher a luxcury for the Internees ½ lb cheese each. Some of the younger sex sold theirs for 3 pence to enable.
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