State Library of NSW
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During the past year their died in this Camp on the following dates.
Internees 18/3 20/4 23/6 6/7 4/8 4/8 10/8 15/9 16/10 31/10 3/11 8/11 8/12 5/11 3/10 2/10 4/10 10/10
At ende of this year the following is the list per head of membership of the different Clubs. Voter John Turnverein 500 Kraft sport Club. Deutche Eivhe 253 Light Atheletic Club Sparta 150 Football Club, Liverpool 80 Melb 45 S.A. 50 Gaifun 32 Rothnest 27 Zagreb (Aust 30 Boulder City 17 Eagle eye 16 Comet 22 G.C.C./5 Fistball Club 15 Sydney 12 Isingtan 12 Military foot & fistball Club 30. Schlagball Hansa 20 Stern 17 Schach Club 150 Hockey Club Germania 18 Kianthou 22 Victoria 27 Yalta Mortale 29 Tennis Club 20. Their wher several shools in languages & proffessiones in this Camp, About 40 shops dealing with allsorts, but mostly foodstuffs, tobacco, Clothing & fruit. Now we comence 1918 & no nearer to peace & liberty than in 1915. How long more will we hawe to remain in this living Dante Inferno or Black Hole of Australia. Wher is Civilisation or humanity. Are we forgotten. It is impossible for us Internes to cry out to the world & so contradict the glorious account printed in the daily Austr. Newspapers, as the Censorship of our Camp is very strict any mentioning of real facts in this Camp & the letter to be shure to be returned to sender. I personaly have had hunderts returned on account of containing as marked prohibited Matter" 23 January the first installation of Electric light on certain places in Camp, wich wher indeet much needet. 14/ 1 Sh each Internee issued out of moneys recieved from the Germ Red Cross Society. During this month the first Germ Governement
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