Volume 60: William Campbell letters, 1846-1894: No. 211
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[Page 211]
payment of the judgment debts, which after all are very trifling as it is only the question of costs between the litigants and the Govt. In fact Higginbotham, & Michie, the Attorney General, and the Minister of Justice have been very unsound in their views of constitutional law. They misled poor Sir Chas. Darling, and they have refused to carry out the judgments of the Supreme Court, until they have been ignominiously coerced into it. They tried to bully and they have weakly surrendered a point which men of ordinary firmness would have adhered to even at the loss of office. They have so made themselves despicable in the eyes of impartial men. But although the coercion of the Council perhaps affected that result, it think it was going out