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[Page 14]


of acres.  Mr. Grimes says in his decision also "and so far from blaming him" Mr. Curlewis "for not stocking it otherwise than by allowing some of his cattle to run there, I think he acted with justifiable prudence and am convinced endeavouring to occupy such ground in the wet season, would be only inviting collision with the natives".  It is well known that Mr. Curlewis never allowed his cattle run there, nor stock the Island in any way.  A stray beast or two might cross the stream in the summer, but they were never "allowed to run" there, which I can prove by his stockman of having a herd of strayed cattle upon scattered, through unknown places constitutes a claim to the grounds they may be found upon.  Curlewis could easily have a large run, and it would be an easy way of acquiring a title to a run which principle is enforced in Mr. Grimes reasons for deciding in favor of Mr. Curlewis.  When I commenced writing this letter I had no intention of entering so fully into the merits of my claim to the Island.  I gave you so much trouble in my former case, that I cannot expect you to interfere in my behalf in this case, though I know of your time admitted you would not grudge it to assist me in claiming my right.  I know it is almost necessary for the Govt. to support their subordinate officials, and I have little hopes of getting a C.C.L. decision reversed, but I have pushed my case as far as I can and if I do not succeed I cannot help it.  Squatting under C.C.L. is a cursed thing, and will be a curse for ever [Continued on Page 15]

[C.C.L. = Commissioner of Crown Lands]

price or sell them on your account, as horses are more valuable in this district.  About 1/ per head would bring the sheep down that is to say if there were not less than 1000 in the lot and if you hired the men and [indecipherable] at the expense of sending the sheep down you will of course require to charge a higher price than if you sold the sheep on the station, perhaps 1/6 per head to cover risk of losses etc.  It might be worth your while to take a trip one of you to see this part of the country and if possible to get a run for a portion of your sheep even if you sold some of your rich land at Burra Burra;  had I money now I could invest in excellent rich land within 40 miles of Melbourne, undulating land without a tree upon it of a deep rich black & red moulds, with very few stones in it.  A few lines in acknowledgement of this & my former letter would oblige.  Please offer my most respectful regards to Mrs. Macarthur and believe me

My dear Sir
Your very faithful servt.

W. Campbell

Current Status: 