State Library of NSW
[Page 439]
[Following on from Page 441]
original flock imported by your distinguished Grandfather about 80 years ago. I first got them when I went to Port Phillip in 1846 - 39 years ago or nearly half the period since their importation. when I sold them to Griffiths & Greene in 1858, from whom I purchased them back a few years after my return to Australia in 1859. I was unable to pamper and prepare them for exhibition or sale and larger and heavier fleeced animals were preferred, so that I had to battle against great odds, and consequently had to take a "back seat" but I was determined to keep the flock pure, and I feel satisfied that the quality of the wool improved, and the strength of the animal did not deteriorate from the original. If you send any of their fleeces to the Exhibition which I very much doubt you should do
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