State Library of NSW
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Clunes Bunninggong 21 Decr. 1846
My dear Sir
On my arrival at my station on the Murray I received a letter from Mr. Commissioner Bingham requesting me to remove my sheep off the country I occupy, as Messrs Bell & Wilson had made a complaint of my encroachment upon their run, and as I had no Lisense to departure stock within that district. And since my return here I heard from Mr. J. Macdonald (to whom I wrote in August, regarding my application) that he had seen Mr. Bingham, who did not appear to think that there was any country about the Wacol [possibly Wakool] that I could occupy, but Mr. Macdonald writes "I am desired by him to inform you that it is his intention to be down there in a short time, and if he finds it possible to grant you a Lisense without encroaching upon any other station he will do so". Mr. Mcdonald wrote that on the 27th Nov. and strange to say Mr. Bingham writes to me of date 1st Decr. "I informed him" Mr Macdonald "of my former letter to you and that I could not hold out any prospect of your getting a station within this district, and that you were not the only person dissippointed in consequence of all the available land in that part of my district being previously granted [indecipherable] under Lisense." Is it not preposterous that a Commissioner living at a distance of 350 miles and who has never seen the country can grant away "all the available land" without knowing the capabilities, or the extent of the country. I considered it always
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