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Dearest Mother & Father,
Recieved all your letters when I arrived back from London. I was very sorry to hear that you were not well Father. I do hope you are quite yourself again. As you will see I am now back & hard at it again. My word what a beautiful city London. I could have done a couple of months there. I did enjoy myself. It was the best week I ever had. And the most drink I had was three in one day. I wanted to see as much as I could It is wonderful the way the people treat us I hope it is all over before long and we have another few weeks there. Well everthing is going on well & I expect we will have a go to tickle them up before long. I hope the souvineers I sent while in London will arrive safely. Dont let them get knocked about If you like you can lend them to Miss Fitzmaurice for week to show in her window. They are the nose caps from the German shells & the pieces are from the shells. The smaller nose caps are from the shells they fired at our

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