Volume 1: Letters written on active service, A-L, 1914-1919 - Page 251
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You ask me to take for myself any parcels sent to him. For this I thank you but his team mates needed them more than I so I passed them on.
You thank me for what was no trouble, but an attempt to place before you how a fine lad made the supreme sacrifice. Had I gone instead of Jim he would gladly have done all in his power for my people and with Billy just the same. I have found that the time spent by me at Timor brief though it was brought me in contact with folk who have proven in every way among my best friends.
For this note written under difficulties I must apologise but as it is my last piece of paper and I felt I must write you as soon as time allowed I feel sure you will pardon.
Before I conclude allow me to wish yourself, Mr Edmonds & family the best of all that goes to make one happy for you have had more than your share of trouble in the loss sustained by the death of dear Jim whom I was proud to call my pal.
Believe me
Ever your sincere friend J F Garaty