
growing round this waterhole.
25th Jan.  The night as several preceeding ones, was very dewy, the muskitoes [mosquitoes] very troublesome not withstanding. We had scarcely travel Several snakes were observed by my companions in the shallow waterhole, at which we camped.  The whole reedy swamp was under water, it was enlivened by numerous warblers of the reeds which imitated during the whole night one shaking strain of the nightingale.  We had scarcely travelled 1/2 mile, when we came on that deep channel with chains of ponds on which we had camped formerly, and which I thought we had past yesterday.  This channel seems to be lost in the reedy swamps.  3 miles further, through a  rich reedy and fallow country, singularly irregular and with deep holes, we came to the Robinsons creek, which was not running though with water left by the last rains.  The grasses were very rich and a noticed particularly a large rough one with broad blady leaf and succulent stem of which horses and mules appeared very fond.  We crossed Rob. Cr. and went to the westward, until we came again to the creek.  The intervening country is marshy and rich.  We crossed the Creek opposite to Murphys lakes and kept for 8 miles a westerly course, passing a deep channel about 2 miles on.  The flats are extensive open well grassed the ridges open.  We missed the lakes we had noticed on the former journey, but crossed several swamps, particularly at the foot of the ridges.  I had to go SW. to meet the creek again, which was [?]nigly reedy and contained shallow pools of water, probably remnants of the last rains.  It was as usually very hot.  My collection of insects with the valuable mantis is lost. Poor J.! a bad beginning for you

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