
evening and I was happy to find that they [?] had proved beneficial to all though perhaps more in satisfying a constant craving after flour than by their influence on the body. Next morning I gave the same flour for porridge, but I was sorry to see in myself and the others, that it was far from acting so well. It blew the stomach up and made us uncomfortable, though with the addition of goat milk. Eastersunday was the great day of expectation for a suet pudding was in attendance and every body had longed for that pudding since Christmas. Having seen how well the Suet dumplings went down I had no objection to the pudding and a pudding was consequently made by Mr Turnbull who roused all his feeble energies to do his work well and he did his work well for we had the lightest most delicious suet pudding that ever graced a table and we enjoyed it well. Nobody suffered from it though some who could refrain from eating meat in the intervening time had slight attacks of heat and shivering. Sunday night in reflecting on our helpless miserable state and seeing the difficulty getting out of this place I resolved upon the following plan. I choose 5 of my companions and take cattle and goats to a more favourable country if not to Peak  Range [?] itself; all the luggage and the mules remain. The travelling will assist in giving strength and health to my companions. I shall return with [can't read], catch and load our mules and bring them to the place where I shall leave goats and cattle with Brown and Turnbull. I wished to start today, but it is too late as Wommai has just now 1/2 past one come in with the horses. The goats are missing and we must find them as well as the cattle which have divided into 2 mobs.

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