
followed by a good many [indecipherable] after them we were knocked up and had to shelter for about 1 hour.  On we went again, Wommai assisting me and dragging the brutes into the water and at sunset the work was done and I was tired to falling down,but my pulse went like a rattle and I felt extremely excited. We had caught about 8 of the largest mules and tied them up for the next morning, we had also done so with our riding horses.  Many broke loose during the night, but friday morning we succeeded in catching them again after some difficulties and [ indecipherable] loading. Having finished one batch assisted by [undecipherable], Bruce and
[B   king?] who had rallied, we crossed the river,
[Bo  king?] leading the animals, [indecipherable] to the chosen camping place and unloaded after various annoyances. Here Bruce[?] dictated that he was knocked up and could not work any more, but fortunately Wommai came who had been after horses and then we even - turned our work, noteably expeditiously, so that the whole sick and healthy crossed about ½ past three in the afternoon.  The sick suffered extremely in leaving their shady bower, but we had to move
and the moving and shifting even for shade will
do them finally good. When we were enjoying the moonlight and the mosquitoes, Wommai called out that the whole cattle had come down to the
left camp and had taken quite possession of it. and true enough a long line of white and dark forms were distinguished on their accustomed
camping ground as if an angel had driven them
down from their [undecipherable] feeding places. Next morning Saturday after having milked the goats who had become a standard occupation obtaining 1- 3 quarts from

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