
23rd Octbr. The night was extremely cold; the temperature 41º F at 2 ocl. am. and 40º at sunrise. The sky was clear and calm. At present a very light air moving from the Eastward. The shepherd complained of the coldnefs of the place, which had been established by Capt Scott as a cattle station, but had been given up as the cattle would not stay. A fine little streams runs down to the Eastward; it is so strong, that a water wheel has been put into the hut[?] and do not know for what purpose. The whole place looks very ruinous.
24th Octbr. We left Mac Ivers station and travelled through a fine undulating hilly country openly timbered  and at present beautifully grafsed. We pafsed Mr. ? station and followed the he Apsley down, on which Mr Mackinnis flocks were lambing. A finer country does not exist in any other part of the colony but this run is considered one of the finest of New England. Our course was to the Northward until we came to the Treadstations, from which we went ENE to go to Mr. Brisden's, at which we arrived about half an hour after sunset. The whinstone changes with  Talkikeste and quartzrock. A species of Bellis (?) a small but very ornamental vetch, Euphrasia, a prickly Daviesia and another spec. of the same genus with broad elliptical blunt leaves, [insertion] and a spreading prostrate Sphaerolobium, were most conspicuous, a species of Stackhousia grew sociably in some parts. It got cloudy during the night and this morning we had drizzling rain, which still continues. We have been bufsy during the whole fore noon, on breaking in our chestnut mules, in which we were actively afsisted by Mr. Thomas Rusden, who took a delight in working [?] the obstinate little brutes. Brown got a fair spill and Mr. Bunce yesterday.

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Ready for review