
3rd Jan. Mr. Turnbull returned last night without having seen or heard of the mules. I once more hoped to find them in the vicinity of the camp and sent Mr. Turnbull and a blackfellas in one direction and went myself and WommaiN orth of the cattle track to examine the scrub. We had scarcely left the cattle track for about 2 miles, when we came on track which shortly afterwards multiplied in many [indecipherable] paths or spread over the small patches of grass within the scrub. We followed on the paths to water and returned through the scrub on the broadest path, which soon lead [led] us over a succession of grassy openings to the large camp of the five fugitifs [fugitives?], wh none of which had broken its hobbles and all of which were in the most excellent condition. they did not allow us to take the hobbles off and we drove them consequently in hobbles to the camp where we were received with a loud cheering.
Yesterday 2 large Iguanas were killed. These animals abound here. Several [indecipherable] visited one camp and were very merry during the afternoon and evening. We expect Hely every minute and shall continue our journey as soon as he arrives.
5th Feb. Yesterday we were visited by a great number of natives, perhaps 150 men women and children, part of whom belonged to Bogare {Bokkari} creek and to [indecipherable], most of whom however came from the lower Condamine, the men came middle sized, well made, the young people active and pleasing. the older women worn out as usually [usual], some very pretty girls, one of whom with some albino marks
on the neck - they [the] men offered the girls to several of my companions; some were suffering of venerial ulcers. Billy and Dennis wished to go with some, but changed their mind over night as is generally the case with natives. they joined the party which [indecipherable ] to the Bunga Bunga. this being a year we collected]?] a rock [indecipherable] of Bunga fossil is expected. The natives were very friendly, but

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