
my experience with the mules ressembles [resembles] a good that of Pack Bullocks.
The latter were said to be capable of bearing 250 - 300 lb and I found that they could not bear more than 130.  The mules can bear 280 - 300 and many of them bear such a load with the greatest ease, but the difficulty is to keep their backs well. The pressure of such a weight is not does not fail to make the slightest un [indecipherable] of the packsaddle, the slightest swinging movement motion of it th a source of constant soreness. Our packsaddles were stuffed to [too] much in the middle, what formed a kind of fulcrum on which the saddle swung. [indecipherable] sore the wethers, on which it came down rubbed with every foot fall. The top loads contribute much to increase this swinging and should if possible never be admitted. Heavy loads may be carried from Station to Station or on during my Expedition - We do not find that the goats travel better than strong wethers, but they are more familiar, more intelligent herd themselves. On the other hand they are even more exposed to foot rot than sheep and rainy weather could soon settle over whole herd. Cattle are in this respect by far preferable - But whatever we do, it is extremely difficult to keep our goats up with our cattle our mules, and we have consequently are standing to wait for them - If Mr Bracks had not made me the present of the pony and if I had not changed my black mare for fine grey gelding, I should have had no horse capable of bearing the fatiguing rides after our stay [mules?] and should probably have knocked up all my other horses which are slow and soft.

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