
We had yesterday a very tedious journey, we were only 4 to unload the mules and became very much heated. Perry went in this heated state to bathe in the cool river and took a hearty meal of tough goat afterwards; the consequence was that he got lightheaded and feverish and that he is still very miserable. I have enticed several of my companions to follow my example and to bathe in the morning early and at night; the fine cool running stream is very [indecipherable] and the its coolness is extremely brazing [bracing?] and strengthening to skin; but I am of course very much against bathing in the middle of the day, except when I got very [indecipherable]; in this case the bath seems to take away the bad influence of the [indecipherable] and the coming cold.
12th March  [?]  made at 1 oclock pm.them. 90º strong NN West breeze.

A.    212.50
B.    212.00
       210.65        1021              1021
                            509               319
           100: 65 = 512               702        902
                              65              1121        787  feet
                          2560                702        133
                        3072              1404
                       318.80            702

the 4th March We travelled about 4 miles NE  N East in order to get to a good and open camping place. There were occasional opening [openings?} of the River, but the greatest part was scrubbly and miserable. We camped at the junction of a flagstone creek which probably came from the Ranges to the Eastward. During the night at half past eleven we felt a fine strong Westerly breeze in which I thought to recognise the well known

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