
excellent. I could however not help comparing the spirit of my former party and this at almost the same place. When I told Mann that four pounds would be sufficient, he reminded me, that I had ordered 8 pounds at the Mackenzie for the 9 persons, which would correspond to almost 5 pounds for 7. -  Gilbert and Calvert requested me on the contrary on their own account to reduce the allowance of 3 pounds of flour to 1½ pound in order to make it last as long as possible, - Monday the 24th at Queens birthday Wommai went after the cattle found them and brought them back to about 3 miles; here a kangaroo started, which the dogs pursued. It ran through the cattle, the cattle got frightened and bolted; his horse was too jaded to head them. - To celebrate this day so dear to every Englishman, we had a Pudding, in which the sugar was rolled up in the paste and I gave a toast with a bumper of tea. Long live the Queen of England and may Australia and her people everywhere prosper under her reign, may the successfull [successful] termination of our journey add new and fertile countries, ready for colonisation to her vast dominions and may we help to increase the glory of her reign. - All drank most heartily to this toast. - To day the 25th Wommai is out again for the cattle; our horses and mules have not been at the waterholes for the last two days and have probably found another waterhole. I have plaited two fine very strong tether ropes 25' long which no horse can break. These we wanted very much, as our other tether ropes have been broken in many pieces. Perry is busy in making greenhide hobbles. Boecking is gathering Grewia fruit. Wommai brought home the pods of the Mackenzie bean, but the seeds are fuller smaller rather oblong and belong perhaps to a different species. Wommai gave an unsuccessful chase to two emus  yesterday Whitsunday morning and last night a whole flock past in sight over the opposite ridge.
The weather is now most beautifull, [beautiful]  the East wind however very strong and cold. The night very cold, the thermom.[thermometer]  this morning before sunrise was 33º  We shall soon see ice on the water.

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