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[Private Warren Hutchings, No 6119, an accountant of Hill End, NSW, joined the Army on 20 June 1915 at age 21, and embarked from Sydney on board RMS Moldavia on 2 October 1915 with the 1st Field Ambulance, 11th Reinforcement. He served at Mudros (Lemnos Island), Anzac Cove, France and England and returned to Australia on 10 March 1918.
Includes a letter from Dorothy Sawell, of Kensington, introducing Hutchings' letter.]
"Darling Downs"
Mr. Wright
The Mitchell Library
Dear Sir,
I am in receipt of your letter of the 23rd Sept. & I will gladly give you the particulars you ask for:
No. 6119 Pvte. Warren Hutchings
1st Field Ambulance
1st Aust. Division
A.A.M.C. A.I.E.F.
I have other splendid letters written by the same person but they contain "personal touches". So I wrote & asked him to write me a letter minus any "personal touches" & I would give it to The Mitchell Library. This he did & sent the letter to England to be posted, & now you have it.
I am
Yours Truly
Dorothy Sawell.