Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Leichhardt, logbook of a journey from Port Stephens to Peak Range, 1 October 1846-3 November 1847 - Page 64

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a few minutes before I was called by Turnbull that I was travelling along when I heard  several glucking birds. I immediately called the attention of all my companions to the note and told them to prepare to shoot one of them. At that moment I was called and the implosion [?] of calling and getting up made the [can't read] vanish. I had scarcely left the tent when Turnbull asked me whether I had heard the glucking bird which had been heard a few minutes before by him and Wommai and now my dream returned with all its livelyness [op cit] showing how rapidly the impressions during sleep are interwoven with a chaotic mass of others into as it were most rapid sketching [?] which disappear to give room to others.
[can't read] 28th Jan   I went with Wommai to find water in a[can't read] distance towards the head of the Paterson [?] can't read] and Melaleuca  creek. We found five holes at the continuation of the Robinson [?] 8 miles NW by N from our camp. Th [?] 29th I moved with my whole camp to the place and went to find the my old camp at Melaleuca creek and my passage over the Range. I succeeded after a good deal of trying [?]. It gave me opportunity to see the upper part of Melaleuca  creek which is well watered. The waterhole at which we had encamped was however dried up. The forked sticks our drying struts still remained though the bushfire had singed them.
30th Jan. We past [op cit]  over the Range and are encamped at our old camp with its fine apple and flooded gum trees. The descent at the opposite side of the gully was easier than the former one.Grevillea polyslachya [?] with its rather [can't read] blossoms [can't read] with compressed [?] pods grows on the rocky places. The nettle species of lemon [?]  tree I have mentioned in my former journal. Bunce found just now a fine  [can't read]  plant near the waterhole and a new ? sedge and grapola. [?] The weather has been very fine and generally cloudy, excellent for travelling. The grass is most


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