Volume 1: Letters written on active service, A-L, 1914-1919 - Page 203
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[Page 203]
A Coy. 3rd Batt
1st Brigade
Dear Mother,
I received your ever welcome letter today dated 11/5/15 and was very pleased to hear from you I have had several letters from Ruby but none from Sam and no papers at all.
Well Mother we are right after the enemy here. I have been here 8 weeks now and I am getting used to war I felt a bit strange when the first shells burst about us but that did not last long we had no time to think we fixed bayonets and got right at them and we let them know we were there too fighting was a bit slack for a while but the last big one we had we killed over 3.000 and wounded 6.000. they thought we were mugs but they soon changed their minds about that.
All the boys are in great trim and good health, Mother we are in trenches here so you cant expect much of a letter. I have no paper or envelopes and can't get any here, so when you write again put a spare sheet and two envelopes on the letter, Will you and I would be very pleased.
I hope Horrie arrives here safe and sound. We can't write a big "note" so I will close best love to all at home and Ruby
xxxx Ted