Volume 1: Letters written on active service, A-L, 1914-1919 - Page 544
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was in a very bad way last week, the head [Transcriber's note: should read "heat".] affected him very much I thought we were going to lose him but one cool day saved him. The horses on this ship are doing very well indeed. we have plenty of room for exercising all horses are exercised every day. We take out about 16 horses at time led one round and make the rest follow they are quite used to it now, in fact they look forward to having a run round
The weather so far could not have made better for us smooth sea all the way since leaving Albany. We had great sports in honour of crossing the Line I was one of those committed to the deep. I don't think I enjoyed an afternoon so much; it ended up by putting Neptune & his court in too. I saw Terry at Albany, he was very well. I suppose your have heard of the sinking of the "Emden" by the "Sydney". The Sydney passed along the line at daybreak this morning