
Very rotten country on Mt DEBATEABLE next day, & the bullocks bogged over their knees & ?  Bunda helped me tail the bullocks & it took all the other half a day to get the dray along, they had to cut saplings & corduroy a lot of it.

Told an old station hand about it years after, he knew the place well, & was riding along there one day, & saw a hat, & as it was a better hat than his one, he crawled along on hands & knees & lifted it. Hey what are you doing with my hat? His head was partly out, & he was all right, but was worried about his horse, it was underneath. Did not want another job like it next day, sowe helped strike camp & load up, & told the old Asiatic to go on ahead. He had cooked for cattle & sheep drovers before we were born, & never had to go ahead before. 

(In margin - Who will say that we were not lucky)

It did not matter a damn to me

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