Pioneering days of Miriam Vale and district', Queensland by W. G. Blomfield, 1946-1947 - Page 78
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WARRO should be WOOROO Leaves
TARONNE should be DAR-OON Root of Tree
EURIMBOLA should be EURIMBULUM Red Ironbark
BOROREN should be BOORORIN Oldman Kangaroo
BOOROO Kangaroo
BOMPA should be BOOMBAH Red Fig Tree
WOMBA should be WUNBAH Yamstick used by GINS for fighting etc.
GOOMERI should be GOON-MARI Shield
GAETA should be GIRAH Sand
DIGLUM should be DIGALUM OA tree growing there
BULGUNDA is the proper name for the head of BAFFLE CREK (sic). MOONDOONDA was the scrub near MT TOM homestead a great camp for the FLYING FOX.
MORALGARAN Small Flying Squirrel ULANGOOL With the bark on COONGOLA Big Water Hole BARIVELD Up the Creek BOREELUM Fig Tree, with big roots BOBIBERIM White Paint in black soil COONGOO Water