Pioneering days of Miriam Vale and district', Queensland by W. G. Blomfield, 1946-1947 - Page 73
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about 4 or 5 feet from the ground. At MIRIAM VALE over 50 years ago we cut down a hollow MESMATE tree, & cut it into lengths about 5 feet long for kennels for our cattle dogs. There was a skeleton inside on the ground level. Old YELLOWMAN who was dead before my time, had a fall out of a tree when a young man his climbing vine broke, (a gin must have stepped over it) & they told me that his hips, knees & ankles were broken or dislocated, & in his old age he used to sit against the station kitchen or go fishing, & if any young Abo came near him he yelled YOW-WA & frightened the wits out of them. My father wanted to get his skeleton for Mr Cox on of the first of the Macquarie St doctors in Sydney, as it would have been most interesting for a doctor to see how his bones had mended, but the local blacks would not tell him where they had put his bones.