Pioneering days of Miriam Vale and district', Queensland by W. G. Blomfield, 1946-1947 - Page 123
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the long grass in his paddocks, as it was too long for sheep. But don't knock the fences about like the last drover did when going through. We did'nt (sic). About eight years after, my old friend JACK HAY was going thro with 1000 speyed cows from MIRIAM VALE, & he let Jack loaf there for two or three days. Every one who saw that mob, said they had never seen such a fine lot of shorthorns, or any other breed.
Just missed a school fellow of mine, a step son of the manager, a very big fellow, who was not so old as me when at school, but they had celebrated his birthday, his 21st a few days before mine. He must have kept on gaining in age on me, & heard of his death a couple of years or so ago.
Near the end of the journey, we had our lunch on a big flat, just against the HUNTER RIVER