
a fresh horse, & there was a branded horse amongst a mob in a trap yard, in rough country, at the head of HORSE creek. Albert reckoned a branded horse ought to be broken in, if he wasn't, but they had to choke him down to get the saddle on. He kept the saddle cloth in his hand, to guide the horse off the trees, & next day he rode him into MIRIAM VALE, & pulled sticks & bark off iron bark trees, & put them under his tail, just to keep him fresh. There always were, & still are good horsemen, (? & good horse women now) at Miriam Vale. The old hands talked of Charlie (a CLARENCE river abo NSW) father of Bunda, & Jimmy RAEF, TOM JOHNSON, TOMMY WILSON, FRED BARRAM, who rode DARGAN'S grey to a standstill in a ? paddle. Nearly all the DINGLES; BILLY DINGLE whom SKUTHORPE did not consider the best horseman, but the best showman he ever had. Between buck jump riders Billy used to stand

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