
rain. An old drover COCKIE WILLIAMS saw the mob of 650 bullocks just before we started, & had never seen such a good mob of beautiful shorthorn, forward condition bullocks together before.

We had a spring dray with LARRIE & BROWN active draughts, & a good new tarpaulin.

We thought we had a good cook, the hardest man for a drover to get. George had cooked satisfactorily for a railway surveyor. BILL, BIG BILL we called him as we had LITTLE BILL, about two years my junior, was my second in charge & it was a great joke amongst some of the old hands, & they spoke of the cheek & hide of the two boys (not realising there were five boys) taking a big mob of bullocks to MUSWELLBROOK in NSW. DICK was a splendid hand, a 1/2 caste & a great horseman. He could also beat any of us running, jumping, & with the gloves.

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