Pioneering days of Miriam Vale and district', Queensland by W. G. Blomfield, 1946-1947 - Page 139
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Then the man on the opposite wing has to turn them in on his side. The meaning of handling a mob of cattle means keeping them in a straight line for where you want them to go & not letting them wobble all over the place. Many so called stockmen do not start to turn the mob until they have gone a chain or more off their course.
Do not keep your mob jammed up too much, but let them spread out enough to give them room to walk along & not have to be driven along. "The Boss" was an elderly Englishman. He worked "Abos" for many years but never learned their way of working cattle. He had quietened the herd of about 8000 head of cattle, that had been a fairly wild herd, in some camps near vine scrubs they had to go cut by moonlight & get between the cattle & the scrub to get them. Moonlighting it is called. They got in whole camps of up to 1000 head & tailed (herded) them, & kept them quiet by tailing the weaners