
of stations had to boil their cattle down at BAFFLE CREEK,  for the hides & tallow, & there are the remains of yards, put up by subscription, standing to this day, half way between the station yards, for cattle to camp on their way to the boiling down work at BAFFLE CREEK. One at the TAUNTON 10 mile must have been haunted, as cattle often rushed there. Then the war came with the Maoris in NEW ZEELAND (sic), & the owners of Miriam Vale could have sold out for £45,000 but E.K COX would not sell, & would not buy my father out.

When gold was found at GYMPIE, some NEW ZEALAND miners came by boat to Gladstone, & walked to Gympie. They demanded tucker at Miriam Vale, but there were only a few days supply of flour left, the drays being on their way from Port, & when told this the miners said they would take what there was. The hut next the store had square holes in the slabs to point rifles thro, in case the abos atack(sic) the place up again.

My father threw the store door open

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