Pioneering days of Miriam Vale and district', Queensland by W. G. Blomfield, 1946-1947 - Page 61
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could not sleep until just before daylight. We not knew, but Taylor's dray was at the 9 mile water hole (about a mile away). BONEY generally worked for Joe Taylor. BONEY must have been watching from behind a tree, & when Tommy slept; he took his kidneys out, & replaced them with a stone. No mark, no blood. Tommy never was well after that & Yorkie & Sally took him to the REED BEDS (a big swamp). Yorkie suggested they take him over to the NORTON diggings, but Polly's ghost told Sally they only she & Yorkie would go over the range to Norton.
Tommy died & so that there could be no doubt who killed him, they put his body on a blanket & four men got hold of a corner each. Then Yorkie asked if TINKER killed him, but when they lifted he was too heavy. Yorkie asked the same about a lot of other abos with the same result, but when he asked if BONEY killed Tommy he went up light as a feather. What better proof could they have?