Pioneering days of Miriam Vale and district', Queensland by W. G. Blomfield, 1946-1947 - Page 8
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BOOLOO did not often work on any of the stations, but made a living kangaroo shooting, & going to the coast & bringing crabs, fish, & oysters & selling them. He was a beautifully made man, no one got hold of him to train when he was young, but at 35 or so he won by handicaps at Bundaberg from scratch
A German FRITZ HERMANN, was sick in the hut with fever & ague, as it was called in those days, but the abos had no quarrel with him, & gave him a drink. My father E.C Blomfield & his cousin E.K. Cox, who bred Chester, & other good horses, bought Miriam Vale in 1856 with 8000 sheep, at about ? 8000.
Mr Tolson was afterwards drowned, in what is known to this day as TOLSON'S crossing, in Baffle Creek near old Rosedale Cattle Station. They used to have two shepherds with each mob of sheep, armed with muzzle loader guns, in case of attack by Abos, but they shot all of their ammunition away at ducks pigeons etc, except an old Crimean soldier he knew the danger.
Two Chinese shepherds were murdered