Pioneering days of Miriam Vale and district', Queensland by W. G. Blomfield, 1946-1947 - Page 71
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The BULWAH is there called a Kangaroo dreaming, or resting place of the Kangaroo shades or spirits of the DREAMLAND, & as a native passes their heaps, they throw a stone or bush into the heap, as a tribute to the SPIRIT beneath & so be assured of success in the hunt of that animal.
The shapes of these are determined from the first ritual in the distant past, & they are, or were, & are still, made in these parts as an outline of the RING PLACE or DANCING SPOT of the old MOTRER (sic)( MOTHER) GODDESS KANAFIFE, that first gave life to all, so a snake dream live place would be like a snake thus [Drawing of a snake shape] & a boomerang crescent thus [Drawing of a boomerang shape] & in this place each year the natives would dance "COROBORE" to bring abundance of food, or trade object. Stories would be added each year, & so in time the place becomes crowded out, & a new one is started, & the old one (generally on a water shed) becomes a TALOS LEAF where natives