Pioneering days of Miriam Vale and district', Queensland by W. G. Blomfield, 1946-1947 - Page 99

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what he had not done before. Some of my friends accuse me of being a very determined man, & cookie went ahead.

We were blocked at The BOYNE near BURRANDOWN & could not get any meat at the station. BILL & DICK swam a creek to get there. All they brought back were two tins of sardines.

The two Bills found a PORCUPINE in a hollow log, & chopped holes about six inches thro solid ironbark, with a blunt axe. Then Big Bill got a long sapling, & Little Bill got down on hands & knees to catch porkie, as they are good to eat like pork. But it was not a porcupine but a big CARPET SNAKE, but the chumps did not bring it along to cookie, they are good eating too. It had been too wet when we got to the station for them to get a killer?, but they gave us a big piece of very salt flank, which we cut up very small

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