Some Abo names mostly about MIRIAM VALE & probably all over PORT CURTIS on the coast of Central Queensland. The abo names in general use were probably from the natives about Sydney & right from the start most of them were wrong.
DINGO should be JUNG-HO or DJUNG-HO.
There are a few words of ours they have difficulty in saying.
WOOLOOMOOLOO is from the Abo attempt to say WINDMILL HILL & the nearest they could get was WOOLOOMOOLOO.
FLURRY is the way they pronounce the great Australian adjective, BL being pronounced FL.
In the PORT CURTIS district
DEGILBO should be DARG-ILBO Wet Rock.
GIN GIN should be YIN-YIN the texture of the wings of the flying fox. There was a scrub in the creek where the flying foxes had a camp.
KOLONGA should be GOLONG-NULGIE red gum tree.
TOWERAN should be GOW-DAN steep banks.
BERYJONDO should be BERRYMAN-YANGO fast running water.