State Library of NSW
There is no doubt that the abos are ashamed of being old (grey headed) or of the loss of any part of their person by accident. To quote Yorkie once more we must all get old, you get old some day.
In the late eighties we had a stockman with a bonsa long red beard. He had not seen BONEY for some years, he remarked "You are getting old yellow man BONEY all the same flour bag" & like a shot out of a gun came the retort "Don't you talk you got hair like flying fox" FLYING FOX.
Knew Yorkie for about 30 years & only once (when he was drunk) saw that one eye was missing, he always kept his hat pulled over the blind eye when sober & no-one could see that it was not there. He did it at WARRO when quite young helping unyoke a young working bullock that tried to charge him & Yorkie ran into the handle of the brake on the bullock dray.
MEILBONG YORKIE 'one eye missing' he was called.
Once rode to one of Yorkie's stock
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