the cattle, & we drove them along, & got them all over before sundown, & strange to say they wanted a drink after they landed across.
We cut off about 50, & just as well we did as they did some ringing (swimming round & round) & landed some distance down. Sent Dick over on NEDLE, she could buck some too, & he drove them up above where we wanted the mob to land.
One bullock stayed to eat some nice couch grass, & heard his mate over the river. They called to one another, & he swam straight across, did not lose his own length in very fast running water.
No trouble with the mob, they were used to swimming, & just strung across as tho going thro a gate. Buck attended to the tail of the mob, & did not drive them he just let them walk along.
Got our tent, tucker & blankets, over in the Station boat, & was right about the storm, it rose the river several feet.