Item 03: Joseph George Burgess war diary, 1 January 1916-4 February 1917 - Page 61
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16 February, 1916
It was fine to day after the rain, the air has a bit of nip about it. It was the usual mounted parade this morning but this evening we did some dismounted work, Gaurds & pickquets was the order of the day but we did not get much instruction €“ The Brigade Major came along & gave us a bit of a lecture & he tried to be funny & managed to keep us laughing most of the time he was speaking to us, I think though that he might just as well held his peace for all the benefit we got from his remarks €“ Mc[Kenzie] our troop leader was glad when he finished up to for the major addressed himself to Mac all the time, & Mac was wondering whether he was joking or meant it half the time.
Mullins came down this evening & we took a walk around Maadi. What a quiet little place it is. Pretty in its way with its long avenues of trees & its houses with their nice fresh gardens about them. A Squadron has challenged B sq to a game of foot ball. I went out & had a bit of a run with them this evening. Bill says we will get well slopped