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5 Dec, 1916
Ive had to officiate in the humble but necessary office of mess-orderley to-day, needless to say I dont feel at home at the job, when I get I feel the soldiering is a messy crook job to say the best of it. Im never at my best when on as M.O. To night Ive struck picquet; I dont mind it half as much; its funny why a chap can feel happy feeding & looking after horses while to dish out tucker to men he should feel the reverse. Its a beautiful night the moon makes light enough to read by, every thing has that blue look about it like in the scene called the "Kingdom of the Future" in "The Blue Bird"  €“ A company of the Camel Corps is camped near us, they are going out on a stunt; one almost envies them, when one compares the amount of work they have with the Camels to what we have with out neddies  €“ They watered to day & dont water any more for three or four days, they have six men on picquet for all the company 130, we have 12 for the squadron 150 horses. But I dont know - I like the old horses, hanged if I can feel any affection for the blamed camel. There is talk of B squadron going out on a stunt on Thursday. I wonder if we will. Some say that we are to move right out on the tenth. We all got another dose of cholera innoculation, a chap will be full of germs.

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