State Library of NSW
[Page 110]
28 April, 1916Romania [Romani]We fooled away the morning Took a vote that we would despence with the cooks we thought we would get more if we did our own cooking Don't know how it will work. After dinner we had to go out as Advance guard again to Katia with General Ryrie & other officers, What a tale one can read by the tracks in the sand One place where some one had pulled himself along on his stomach & the mark of his fingers as he swung his hand forward for another grip One can imagine how long & painful was the journey Then behind each little mound some foot prints, the place where some one had been lying, & some empty cartridges with Arabic characters on them. I was starving when we got back to camp at dark & was glad to find that Harold had some meat cooked €“ Went on stable picquet later
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