Item 03: Joseph George Burgess war diary, 1 January 1916-4 February 1917 - Page 203

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[Page 203]

20 Oct, 1916
Sidi Bishr
We are fixed up at the rest camp here, it seems a good place. What a weary trip it was down here  €“ We left camp yesterday morning at about six & we got here at 5 in the evening. Right along the line the sight was one of green fields & water & perhaps one would have enjoyed it more had the seating accomadation been better but we were cramped up uncomfortably on the hard seats in dirty carriages & it was not until we got near Sidi Gaber that the boys showed any enthusiasm in their surroundings  €“ Along here every thing looked to be greener & in greater profusion. Banana plantations palm maize, etc every where

The Nile is swollen with the flood  €“ I heard some one remark that the waters had reached a higher point than since the year 1889 so its some flood & a muddy swirling old stream it was, the glimpse I had of part of it. We had orders read to us, they were lengthy & some caused some rude remarks & a deal of snickering from the Aussies  €“ While the Tommies looked at us like so many Mother Grundy's. Here is a sample --- "When going to bed at night the rifle bolt must be removed & the sling loosened one end & tied either to the arm or leg" The limit

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