Item 03: Joseph George Burgess war diary, 1 January 1916-4 February 1917 - Page 202

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[Page 202]

16 Oct, 1916
Hill 70
Some reinforcements came from the detail camp last Friday evening & I was surprised to see [indecipherable] one of Dowling Sts old hands amongst them. We got a couple in A troop & others went to B & D. Saturday evening I mounted gaurd with two new chaps out of D troop & one of these proved to be Barnes whom I knew at Wollongong seven years ago. Yesterday as we lined up for dismissal from Church parade a number of phamplets were issued out containing Bill Hughes appeal to the Troops on the vote on Conscription; Since then the question has been debated from every standpoint & I think to day the boys have been well nigh unanimous in voting "yes" They are still being taken before the orderly room a troop at a time.

In A troop we are all wondering who will be lucky enough to draw leave to Sidi Bishr when the Boys come back on Wednesday as there is some talk of moving back to the desert again shortly. Some of the boys who have taken leave to Port Said are going very crook because they think they will have to wait until last for their chance. Last night there was a terrible heavy dew, the tent got wet & shrank so that the pegs pulled out, so we had a job of repitching it this morning

[Dowling St. tram depot, Sydney]

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